IAQ Service Provider 空氣質素服務供應商

IAQ Certification Scheme – IAQ Service Providers

IAQ Service Providers

Accredited Indoor Air Quality Certificate Issuing Bodies (CIBs)

(Updated in 2024.12)

IAQ Certificate Issuing Body Accreditation

Accreditation service

for IAQ inspection performed by Indoor Air Quality Certificate Issuing Bodies (CIBs) under the IAQ Certification Scheme is now open for application.

The objective of the accreditation service

is to enhance the standard of operation of CIBs and credibility of the IAQ Certification Scheme.


of the application procedures and accreditation criteria can be obtained in the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) website:

Accredited CIBs

CIBs are able to issue the Hong Kong Inspection Body Accreditation Scheme (HKIAS) endorsed IAQ inspection reports which serve as a proof of competence.

The issuance of IAQ certificates

under the IAQ Certification Scheme is restricted to CIBs under the scheme. There are currently nine CIBs.

For more information

about the accreditation for IAQ inspection performed by CIBs under the IAQ Certification Scheme, you may visit HKAS website or click herefor the relevant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

HKIAS accredited IAQ inspection bodies

For details, please visit:


Other Service Providers :



IAQ Contractors


(Updated in 2025.01)



IAQ Laboratories


(Updated in 2024.12)



IAQ Control Facility Suppliers


(Updated in 2025.01)



IAQ Consultant


(Updated in 2025.01)



For companies that are interested in joining the “Directory of List of IAQ Service Provider and Area of Service”, please download and complete the application form from link below, and send the completed form with other supporting information stated in the form an email to enquiry@iaq.gov.hk or by post to IAQ Information Centre, 2/F, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.

For IAQ certification service, please refer to the accredited IAQ CIBs above.


IAQ Service

Disclaimer: The information contained in the Directory is supplied by the service providers listed therein and is for reference only. The Directory is not an exhaustive list of all service providers in relation to IAQ matters. The IAQ Information Centre does not warrant or guarantee that the information contained in the Directory is accurate. The inclusion of any service provider in the Directory does not in any way imply endorsement by the IAQ Information Centre and the non-inclusion of any service providers should not be construed as indicating any negative concern by the IAQ Information Centre towards those service providers. The IAQ Information Centre does not accept any responsibilities for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from any cause whatsoever in connection with the use of the information in the Directory. The IAQ Information Centre is entitled to delete, suspend or edit all information on the Directory at any time at its absolute discretion without giving any reason. Users are responsible for making their own assessments of all information contained in the Directory and are advised to verify such information by making reference to/clarification with the consultants and by obtaining independent advice before acting on it.
