The IAQ Information Centre has been set up by the Environmental Protection Department since 2001 to promote IAQ awareness and provide information on IAQ to the public under the “IAQ Management Programme” proposed by the IAQ Management Group. The Centre is also responsible for the administration and promotion of the IAQ Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places.
The IAQ Management Group is an inter-departmental Management Group set up in 1998 to coordinate the development and oversee the implementation of IAQ control works in Hong Kong. It now comprises representatives from 5 bureaux and 14 departments, and is chaired by the Environmental Protection Department. In November 1999, the Management Group proposed an “IAQ Management Programme” to improve IAQ in buildings and public places for public consultation. The Programme was implemented in October 2000 and comprising the following:
- launching a public education and publicity campaign to promote public awareness of IAQ;
- setting up an IAQ Information Centre to disseminate information and reference materials related to IAQ;
- adopting a set of IAQ objectives as a common benchmark for evaluating and assessing IAQ;
- publishing a set of Guidance Notes for better management of IAQ in offices and public places;
- promulgating a voluntary IAQ certification scheme and invite owners and management of premises including the government buildings to participate in the scheme;
- conducting a review of legislative framework for the control of IAQ in parallel with the implementation of the voluntary IAQ certification scheme; and
- publishing a set of professional practice notes for public transport facilities.
Functions and Services
The IAQ Information Centre serves the following functions:
- processing application for registration of IAQ certificates under the IAQ Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places;
- maintaining an up-to-date database of IAQ certificates;
- providing IAQ related information to the public, including measures and practices to improve IAQ, the latest local and overseas development in IAQ and relevant reference materials;
- providing technical advice to the professionals on IAQ matters;
- promoting the IAQ Certification Scheme and good practices for maintaining good IAQ by organising seminars and exhibitions etc.; and
- providing a telephone hotline for receiving and handling complaints and enquiries related to IAQ.